Talend Open Studio Websites


OPEN AI LAB|开放智能专注边缘智能计算及应用,致力于推动芯片级算力,算法,工程产品化,行业应用等完整产业链的深度协作,加速人工智能产业化部署和场景的边界拓展,赋能场景化细分行业快速实现+AI,为 AIoT 产业上下游合作伙伴提供端,边,云一体化人工智能基础软硬件开发平台及应用级解决方案,开放智能招聘,边缘计算,OPEN AI,tengine,边缘ai平台,人工智能部署平台,主要核心文化...

OPEN AI LAB , 开放智能 , Tengine , 推理框架芯片 , 全流程AI开发平台 , 边缘智能应用 , 嵌入式计算框架 , 自动化算法训练 , 人工智能解决方案 , AI人才招聘 , 人工智能招聘 , 物联网招聘


Andersoon & Blaise - Full-Service Brand and Advertising Agency. Planing and designing of campaigns, Communication and strategic planning, Creative conceptioning, Production, Brand building, Couns...

Andersoon & Blaise , Andersoon&Blaise , Andersoon and Blaise , Reklámügynökség , Brand , Advertising , Agency , Graphic Studio , Kampányok tervezése és megv...

1 2 3 4 5 

Dan Beach's Studio 8H Website Design. Simple, graphical, informative, cost-effective websites for entertainers and the arts, as well as clients in many other fields. We pride ourself on our fast res...

Studio 8H Website Design , Studio 8H Web Management , design , website , studio , recording , graphic , beach , music , Dan Beach , studio-8h , Studio8H , Studio 8H , w...

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Orange Pi is an open source product brand of Shenzhen Xunlong Software Co., Ltd; Orange Pi has iterated over 30 products. At present, orange Pi has formed a complete open source education ecosystem c...

Orange Pi , pi , development board , open source hardware , open source software , open source chip , orangepi

1 2 3 4 5 

The first major studio in decades, Lionsgate is a global content platform whose films, television series, digital products and linear and over-the-top platforms reach next generation audiences around...

The Hunger Games , TV , entertainment , television , Saw , Twilight , VOD , movie studio , digital , content

1 2 3 4 5 

The first major studio in decades, Lionsgate is a global content platform whose films, television series, digital products and linear and over-the-top platforms reach next generation audiences around...

The Hunger Games , TV , entertainment , television , Saw , Twilight , VOD , movie studio , digital , content

1 2 3 4 5 

The first major studio in decades, Lionsgate is a global content platform whose films, television series, digital products and linear and over-the-top platforms reach next generation audiences around...

The Hunger Games , TV , entertainment , television , Saw , Twilight , VOD , movie studio , digital , content

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This cluster of journals is peer-reviewed, open access covering a wide range of academic disciplines. All original research articles published by our journals are accessible online without any restri...

Research , publisher , journal , open , access , paper , article , manuscript , biology , medical , , Biochemistry , Biotechnology , Nutrition , Agriculture , Pharm...

1 2 3 4 5 

The first major studio in decades, Lionsgate is a global content platform whose films, television series, digital products and linear and over-the-top platforms reach next generation audiences around...

The Hunger Games , TV , entertainment , television , Saw , Twilight , VOD , movie studio , digital , content

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VLF Studio

VLF Studio

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Černá a fialová - Grafické studio Brno. Nabízíme grafické návrhy - logotypy, vizuální styl, knihy, prezentační materiály, obaly CD, internetové prezentace. Tiskoviny - kompletní zpracování a tisk kat...

Černá a fialová - Grafické studio Brno , reklama , návrhy , prezentace , vizuální styl , knihy , katalogy , prezentační materiály , velkoplošný tisk , světeln...

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Coast ART Productions is a Los Angeles-based independent film production company founded in 2012 by film producer Alec Trachtenberg. Our portfolio includes titles like The Cabin, and the short subjec...

Indie film production company , Film production studio , Independent filmmakers , Artistic storytelling , Film production services , Indie cinema Film fina...

1 2 3 4 5 

Hello Velocity is a digital studio for the creative and the innovative.

hello velocity , digital marketing , creative studio , creative , art , digital art , internet , internet art , new inc , new museum , bitelabs , mcmass , the mc...

1 2 3 4 5 

The Open Group holds the UNIX trademark in trust for the industry, and manages the UNIX trademark licensing program.

UNIX certification , UNIX trademark , UNIX98 , UNIX95 , Spec1170 , UNIX branding , X/Open Branding , open software , POSIX , ISO , standards , software standard...

1 2 3 4 5 

Tiudzei Zvamunofunga! Isu veStudio7 tinoda kunzwa kuvateereri vedu - kwete kunzwa chete maererano nezvirongwa zvedu, asi kuti kunzwawo pfungwa dzenyu panhau dzatinotepfenyura. Nokudaro tiudzei zvamun...

VOA Shona , VOA , Zimbabwe , Studio 7 , Live Talk , Harare , Mugabe , Tsvangirai , Ncube , ZANU-PF , Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front , MDC , Mo...

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Animanga and gaming fanlisting collective.

enamour , fanlisting , collective , thefanlistings , animefanlistings , celestial , oracle , studio